Bingo Rules


A person believing they have the appropriate numbers covered on their bingo card, will call out "Bingo", loud enough for the caller to hear. The caller will pause the game and a floor walker will go to the player who called Bingo".

The floor walker will then verify that the game has been won, by comparing the numbers on the card to the called numbers. In some cases he will call out the numbers. In others he will call out a serial number on the bingo card sheet. The caller will punch the number into a computer and the computer will verify if the game has been won or not. If the game has not been won the caller will resume calling numbers until another person calls "Bingo" and the numbers are verified.

Once the numbers have been verified, prizes are awarded and another game begins.

In Alberta:

  • All bingo players must be 18 years of age
  • Alcoholic beverages are not permitted
  • Outside food and drink is usually prohibited
  • Reservation of specific cards is not allowed
  • Only paid participants are allowed in the playing area
  • If a player has bingo, it is up to the player to stop play before the next number is called. Bingo applies to the most recent number called. If the caller has already started announcing the next ball it is too late to call bingo. If a caller closes the game and drops the balls for a new game, any missed bingos become invalid.
  • People who abuse the system or attempt to cheat will be asked to leave the facility and may face prosecution.
  • Certain games and facilities may have special rules. It is best to ensure you review any posted rules.



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